
This section aims to present texts
that include in their totality,
that which thus comprehensively displayed, it is offered,
so as to internalize it and to relate with what the transcript bestows.
It always serves, the one who has a need to help himself.



El Asentamiento, proporciona inteligencia, ya que ayuda a atender cómo nos desequilibramos mentalmente. Y aporta, riqueza a la vida por tantos matices que describen las actitudes e incluso disposiciones en las que vivimos, gracias a las cuales, podemos descubrir cómo nos oscurecemos y por dónde está la salida.
Así que no tengo más que dar gracias por este tesoro lúcido.

         Comentario recibido sobre el texto

PVP 8€ (IVA incluido)

The New Insight

The New Insight

An amazingly beautiful text, not because it is based in poetic literature nor does it serves mental evasion, but because it is an internal regenerator, it is a personal transformer.
Expressed with clarity, it invites logic and coherence to assist intelligence in its expression to renew basic concepts that lead to freedom from delusion; towards a genuine connectivity, required and in essence thus transmitted as encountered. It also shows what the author considers necessary to express. This little great book is not written, it is transcribed.

PVP 9.40€ (IVA incluido)

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